Life Event Fundraiser
If you are interested in hosting an online fundraiser for East End Pregnancy Center in celebration of a birthday or wedding or in lieu of flowers for a funeral, here are 3 simple steps for setting it up!

Email Our Director
Email Ann Campbell, ann@eastendpreg.org, and tell her what you would like to set the fundraiser up for. Ann will then set up a fund under your name and event, then send you the link to share.
Share the Link
Copy the link that Ann sends you and go to your Facebook page. Create a post and paste the link.

Tell Your Friends to Click Your Fund
In the caption, tell your friends to make sure to choose the fund under your name and event. At the end of the fundraiser, Ann will tell you how much your event raised and give you a picture to post, thanking everyone on behalf of East End Pregnancy Center, that you can post to your page.